
Learning the names of God leads us to understanding Gods character and His ways. Understanding God's character and His ways helps our overall well being. Renewing our mind with the Truths in God's Word about who He is will make it easier to line our decisions up with Truth. And when our decisions line up with the Truth of who God is, every area of our life is affected!
Sweet Friend, Jehovah Jireh sees you. He cares about you. He will provide for you!

Did you know that in the Hebrew language boast means to “have confidence in” or “trust in” something or someone?
With this in mind, when I re-read Psalm 20:7 and replaced the word boast with trust, it is so much easier to understand and apply it to my own circumstances. I can ask myself who or what am I “trusting”? Who or what am I typically using as “a means of escape”? Yes, asking yourself these things can be convicting… But that is a GOOD thing! With conviction, comes the opportunity to repent/turn away and receive forgiveness and freedom! And that is a wonderful BLESSING!

"May the God of Hope so fill you with Joy & Peace in believing that by the Power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be bubbling over with Hope." Romans 15:13
Freedom is not free, it comes with a price! Just as each of us was bought at a price: the price of Our Savior laying down His life so that we may be FREE! Free from sin, Free from death, Free from the weight of our own destructive nature.
"So if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed." John 8:36

You are NOT overlooked. You are not forgotten. You are not unheard. You are NOT a mistake! You are KNOWN by Him. You can praise Him because you ARE fearfully AND wonderfully made BY Him!
I hope you can take a few moments to read our blog and read the 24 verses of Psalm 139. Read them slowly to soak on the words and let them sink into your heart. The words are describing a Good Father and His precious child. These verses are incredible Truths to combat negative thoughts and feelings.