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Story Behind the Art: What's Inside July's "Lemonade Reminders" Christian Subscription Box for Women (+ Why I Chose It)

Story Behind the Art: What's Inside July's "Lemonade Reminders" Christian Subscription Box for Women (+ Why I Chose It)

Story Behind the Art:

What's Inside July's "Lemonade Reminders" Christian Subscription Box for Women (+ Why I Chose It) 

Story Behind the Art: What's Inside July's Christian Subscription Box for Women | Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art

Welcome to my NEW From the Heart Art Blog, where I'll be sharing weekly inspiration to share, uplift & encourage you on your journey!
From stories behind the art I create to behind-the-scenes looks into the creations process to DIY tutorials and more... I will be posting a new blog post every single Wednesday to share, uplift, & encourage you on your journey! Welcome to the blog & I can't wait to connect with you through this new blog space every single week. If you want to know when new blog posts go live, make sure to join our exclusive email newsletter community! Pssst... as part of my exclusive email subscriber community, you'll also get first looks into sales & specials, too!
Story Behind the Art: What's Inside July's Christian Subscription Box for Women | Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art

An Ever Present Help in Trouble...

This month’s inspiration design is a painted floral arrangement in a blue and white china bowl.  I love all blue & white china!  I painted this on a dark background which I think represents the “trouble” mentioned in this month’s verse, Psalm 46:1  “HE is an ever present help in trouble.”

 Story Behind the Art: What's Inside July's Christian Subscription Box for Women | Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art

How Do You Define "Trouble"?

This is a short verse, but there is so much that could be said about it!  Preparing for this story has caused me to do some reflecting on the word “trouble”.  How do you define Trouble? 

I immediately think of problems and difficulties, or things that cause distress, unrest, anxiety, frustration, pain or sorrow.  I definitely do not like these things that fall into the Trouble category; and although they are not pleasant things to talk about or rehearse over & over, it has certainly been beneficial for me to spend a little time thinking about it, asking the Lord, “how does this all apply to me?”  

Story Behind the Art: What's Inside July's Christian Subscription Box for Women | Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art

Story Behind the Art: What's Inside July's Christian Subscription Box for Women | Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art

Where to Place Your Trust...

As aggravating as Trouble can be, it also has a helpful side to it!  I’m realizing that Trouble reveals a lot about mindset, my focus, my beliefs, my values, and most importantly, where I’m putting my trust!  This reminds me of the Psalm 119:91  “...all things are Your servants”  I can trust Him with the trouble in my life….all things can be used as tools for my sanctification AND His glory!

My heart also keeps zeroing in on the words “ever present”.  I just kept thinking about those two words over and over, letting them sink deeper and deeper into my heart.  I want to burn into my mind that description of God! 

Story Behind the Art: What's Inside July's Christian Subscription Box for Women | Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art

Story Behind the Art: What's Inside July's Christian Subscription Box for Women | Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art

Story Behind the Art: What's Inside July's Christian Subscription Box for Women | Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art

He IS Ever Present!

He IS Ever Present.  Depending on the day or the circumstances, trouble might just be the aggravation of a car breaking down; the frustration of relationship issues among friends or family; or it could show up as the deep, gut-wrenching pain of a fatal accident; or as the unrelenting long, dark nights of the soul that refuse to leave. 

No matter the depth of despair or frustration, HE is ever present IN the situation.  

More often than I would like to admit, I find myself defining help as a way of escaping FROM the situation!  Do you do that as well?  Well, this verse is reminding us that He is an ever present help IN the situation!  Help could show up as Him providing resources to be relieved of the troubling situation, or equipping you with strength and endurance to withstand the difficulty, or help could be in the form of the comfort of His presence as mentioned in Psalm 23. 

Story Behind the Art: What's Inside July's Christian Subscription Box for Women | Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art

Story Behind the Art: What's Inside July's Christian Subscription Box for Women | Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art

His Presence Walks Us THROUGH the Hard Times

What a precious gift His presence is to have Him walk with us THROUGH even the darkest valley. 

Have you ever experienced that?  I remember the comfort of His presence when my daughter was in a near fatal car accident. It felt like a terrible dream as we sat in the NICU Waiting Room listening to the doctor somberly deliver the news of the seriousness of her situation. I felt the unexplainable peace of His overwhelming presence with us IN that dark valley.  

Story Behind the Art: What's Inside July's Christian Subscription Box for Women | Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art
My prayer is that this artwork will be a reminder of the precious promise we have been given for every troubling situation we encounter.  “He is an ever present help in trouble.”

Pam Coxwell | From the Heart Art


  • Karen Silvers

    Just Beautifull!

  • Ellaine Corbett

    I loved this blog. Our God is so good even in the valley He is with us. God may not take the valley away, but He will not leave us! In my life the valley is when I have grown spiritually.

  • Ellaine Corbett

    I loved this blog. Our God is so good even in the valley He is with us. God may not take the valley away, but He will not leave us! In my life the valley is when I have grown spiritually.

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