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Let's dwell...

Let's dwell...

Have you ever:

 - entered a home and found yourself immediately aware someone is baking cookies in the kitchen?

- walked into a bedroom and became immediately aware there are wet & sour clothing items lurking somewhere in that room?

-  walked into an office and met with the pleasing aroma of perfume?

- stood next to someone with the aroma of a campfire lingering in their coat.

Depending on the source, the aroma just settles, lingers and even permeates the air and possibly the fabric in the space for hours or even days. Reading Colossians 3:16 from the Amplified version paints a picture of this in my mind.

‌I only used this portion of the Colossians 3:16 verse in our July design, but the words in the remainder of the verse are really important too. I wanted to take a moment to share them with you here.

The full verse in the Amplified Bible: “Let the (spoken) word of Christ have its home within you (dwelling in your heart and mind-permeating every aspect of your being) as you teach (spiritual things) and admonish and train one another with all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God”

‌This portion of Colossians 3:16 is near and dear to my heart. It reinforces why I work so hard doing what I do in my business and also in my own personal life. I know His Word is powerful and life changing especially when it DWELLS in me.

This passage also seems like one of the important next steps when we are applying our yearly theme, Draw Near to God. I see it as a reminder to not just Draw Near to Him, like a fast food restaurant drive thru getting a quick recharge from His Word. I think it is exhorting me to also LINGER & DWELL there. Settling in and engaging with His Word, allowing His Word to permeate every aspect of my being. So that I carry the sweet lingering aroma of His Word wherever I go and even when someone is entering into my space. I love the smell of fresh baked cookies that cause me to follow my nose to the source, but if I’m greeted with the smell of mildewing clothes, I will also follow my nose to find the source to rid the unpleasant odor.

I am so thankful for God’s rich gift of grace that allows us to dwell in His Word and allows us and others to enjoy the pleasant effects of it. I am so very thankful for His mercy that allows us to discover there is an unpleasant aroma lingering within us AND for His amazing grace that provides a remedy for the source! The reminders this month are to encourage and remind us to slow down and DWELL.

Now that you’ve heard how the July Encouragement Club box came to be… let me share how it will inspire you to DWELL in Him and His Word.

This month’s box is not just a collection of items but a thoughtful selection of art designed to serve as reminders for you and tools to share with others. The Box is packed with a ready-to-frame print, shareable art cards, mini cards to share, notecards with envelopes, a digital phone wallpaper, and hold on to your hat - a Prayer Journal! This exclusive journal is something I’m thrilled to include in every box! It holds Creative Hearts Studio prayer, listening, Sit and Soak prompts, and blank pages to pen all your drawings and prayers.

I invite you to join the Encouragement Club and experience the joy of receiving this special box and planner. It's a way for us to connect and savor the moments of dwelling together.

Don't miss the opportunity to join me LIVE on my Facebook page every Friday at 12 pm CST for Lunch & Learn. It's not just a chance to learn something new but also to create something beautiful together. Let's get inspired and interact in real time.

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