Abide in 2025

ABIDE in 2025
Jesus said, “I am the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
The Greek word for abide is meno which means to remain, or stay, or dwell / reside, or continue.
I am so thankful that God’s Word provides practical analogies that helps us to better grasp what He is communicating to us. He knows us so well… He knows what we need!
When I visualize a grape vine with its branches, I can understand that if the branch is attached to the vine, then the life-giving nutrients from the vine can flow into the branch and eventually produce fruit.
I can visualize that it’s not anything that the branch does to produce fruit, rather the branch is just an extension of the life of the vine and as a result the branch is totally dependent upon the life of the vine flowing through it to continue living and to produce fruit.
When I ponder this analogy, I realize that if God is going to produce meaningful, Kingdom fruit through my life, such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23), then it is necessary for me to stay connected to Jesus, it is necessary for me to realize that I am dependent upon Jesus, and it is necessary for me to dwell or reside in Jesus and for Him / His Word to dwell or reside in me.
As I seek God in His Word with all of my heart as a means of staying connected to Him and as a means of dwelling in Him and He in me, then God’s Word promises that I will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13).
When God reveals more and more of Himself to me in this journey of seeking Him with all of my heart, when He opens my eyes to truly know WHO he is, then I have an even stronger desire to abide in Him… to closely connect to Him… to realize I am so dependent upon Him… and to have a stronger desire to dwell in Him and to have His Word dwell in me…. I have a stronger desire to live FOR Him as I know and remember WHO He is.
During 2025 we would like to be a part of your journey in seeking God with all your heart as a means of ABIDING in Him. We believe you will be encouraged on your journey with…
- The Monthly Encouragement Club Each month you will receive a fresh new supply of decorative functional items adorned with beautifully illustrated artwork inspired by beloved passages of scripture. You can keep some item and give some items to others as a reminder of God’s love, truth, and promises.
- The Creative Hearts Studio for lettering lessons. Creative Hearts Studio is a place to learn to use your creativity as a tool for stress relief, to express your faith, to create meaningful gifts & home decor, and as a tool to tell your story. This monthly membership provides a fun, welcoming community for Christian women working to uncover their GOD-GIVEN creative gifts to grow closer to HIM through scripture study, bible journaling, mixed media painting, and the art of hand-lettering.
For a limited time, Pam Coxwell Designs has an exciting offer for you! You have the opportunity of purchasing a gift subscription at a special rate! If you sign up for a pre-paid subscription to our Monthly Encouragement Club or Creative Hearts Studio you can get up to 2 months free!
- Prepay 6 months and get 1 month free
- Prepay 12 months and get 2 months free
The Monthly Encouragement Club and The Creative Hearts Studio
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