Beauty from Hardship = Re-purposed Hardship

Beauty from Hardship - A New Purpose
I love taking what I have and trying to recycle or repurpose it. I spent my childhood watching the women in my family do that very thing. Lack of money or resources didn’t hinder them from creating beautiful things made from what they had on hand. Whether it was through sewing, cooking, painting, or gardening they taught me by their example, how to use my God given creativity in many areas of life.
Empty tea boxes re-purposed - February Project
Throughout the 20+ years I traveled for art shows to sell my artwork, I've heard the stories of countless women. I’ve always felt such a strong connection to them even though I know very few of their names. Many of these women would look at my work as they were admiring it and say, “I wish I was creative. I don’t have a creative bone in my body” or “ I can’t even draw a straight line” or “ I didn’t know that verse was in the Bible” or “I wish I knew my Bible better”
Well, in 2020 a simple, but costly error occurred with my 2021 calendar. That mistake drove me to my knees in prayer, the desperation opened my mind, and God planted the seed in my heart. A Lemonade Story began to unfold as I became open to doing things differently. I became willing to do something that so many women had been asking me for throughout the years.
Lemonade Creative Hearts was born. I created space in my heart and my life to begin teaching women how they REALLY do have creativity inside of them...planted by the Creator Himself!
Teaching them to work with their own handwriting with some simple steps to enhance it. Teaching them that the discipline of practice applied to lettering Bible verses can actually help them memorize the verses. Guiding them in how to use color and different styles of lettering to break the verse down to understand it and remember it better. Teaching them how to turn their lettered verses into prayers for a prayer journal and how to decorate the lettering to frame for home decor.
I have found so much joy using objects that are typically discarded, vintage finds and stash from my studio and basic art supplies to create beautiful artwork. Time spent in the creative process of working through the layers has been therapeutic, and often a time of worship and prayer. The layers begin to weave a story throughout the piece. Sharing my process with our Creative Hearts has been a precious experience for me! It has filled a void that I never knew was there. These women have become precious sisters to me!
Are you ready to find JOY in using your creativity to build your creative skills, strengthen your faith, and reduce stress?
We’ve shortened our name to Creative Hearts Studio and have filled it to the brim with Lettering Lessons, Scripture Journaling tutorials, Mixed Media Painting Projects to help fill our minds and hearts with reminders of Truth.
There’s room for you around our table.
We are ready for you! Pray and ask the Lord if this is the place for you! ❤️
Sign up TODAY to begin using that precious gift of Creativity! HURRY to LOCK in on the Current Price. The price increase happens soon!
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