Are You Ready to Decorate For Spring!?

Do you want to make beautiful art but don't know where to start?
What do an old Accounting Principles book, a vintage receipt book from the 1930s, and a disintegrating hymnal have in common?
They are all tools that I will use, along with some art supplies, to demonstrate how we can create beautiful art and use our artwork to tell a story.
We have had such amazing response with our previous workshops, that we've decided to host one for Spring! And it's almost here!
For a very long time I’ve felt a calling to guide women in how to use their God-given creativity in beautiful and rewarding ways!
Discover the joy and beauty of mixed media painting. Using various techniques, you will learn how to incorporate the delicate, aged pages from vintage receipt books, hymnals, and accounting textbooks to weave a unique story throughout your own one-of-a-kind art piece.
We will also learn to use fibers, tiny sparkle beads, and other found objects to add depth and character to your piece. I will guide you step-by-step as you give the old books pages new life and purpose as you use them in your artwork.
This Workshop is perfect for all skill levels. You will not only leave with the skills to create your own beautiful piece of art, but I believe you will also have a new outlook on old & typically discarded items and have fresh ideas bubbling forth on how you might be able to incorporate them into creative pieces to not only have beautiful art, but to also help tell a unique story.
Join me in this Spring Workshop!
I would love to invite you to join me in my studio so that I can share with you one of my very favorite creative techniques called Mixed Media. In this online workshop, I will show you how we can take old objects, that some folks might have discarded at a thrift store, and give them new life and purpose. By adding some basic art supplies, combined with our own God given creativity, we will make a beautiful piece of art for your own home or to give to a friend!
I look forward to seeing you at our March Mixed Media Workshop! Join us March 20-22! Click the link above or any pictures above for more information! We are going to have a wonderful, creative time!
Are you a Lemonade Creative Hearts Member? Check your email! You get a complimentary pass to this Workshop.
I’m not sure I got the email about the free pass to the workshop. I’d like to try to see at least part of it. Have you already sent it?
What is a lemon aid creative heart member?
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