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Why I Love the True Story

Why I Love the True Story

But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.

The theme for this new Lemonade Creative month is very precious to me. I love spending time slowly reflecting on the Christmas story. I love anything that helps redirect my focus back to the Gift of Christ. That means, I love holiday movies, devotionals, scriptures… anything about the True Christmas Story. Oh, and I love nativity scenes too! 

I love the season of Advent and the guidance it gives us to redirect our focus to Christ and the idea of waiting.

My family has a tradition that we started when our daughters were tiny. Before opening any gifts, we always sit in a circle with a wooden Nativity Set. My husband will read scripture and the girls would “act out” the story using the wooden figures. There are so many precious memories linked to that old wooden set! 

What family holiday traditions do you have? We would love to know!

The From the Heart Team brainstormed holiday shirt designs and we all came to agreement on the design in the one pictured above. Along with the Adonai Manger design, we just wanted to express the True Story of Jesus Christ. We are all guilty of being swept up with gift-giving, house decorating and merrily baking away during the holidays, that the reason of the holiday season slips our mind. 

Just like every Encouragement Kit that is shipped out through the year, we hope you will use yours as encouragement to others, especially during this busy & very stressful season. We encourage you to give away the "seeds" of encouragement to share the truth of the holiday season!


We also know that most people are gearing up for a new year, so part of this month's Encouragement Kit is to help relieve some of that anxiety. We have included a monthly planner for you! With pages each month for you to prioritize your goals and to write out a "brain dump", as we like to call it. We just hope that you know we are always thinking of you and praying for you and your needs!



We hope you have enjoyed this years worth of Encouragement Kits. We are so excited and expectant about what's coming for 2023. And we also hope you know that we are so very thankful for you! We love each and every one of you! 

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