
There is ALWAYS a Seat for You at the Table!

I have time set aside in August and I would love to invite YOU to join me at my creative table for a Three Day Creative Workshop!

I will guide you in using your God-given creativity as a tool for your own life to renew your mind, for scripture memory, prayer journaling, gifts for others and even STRESS RELIEF!

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Hiding Scripture in Your Heart with a Tool, Prayer Reminder Cards

As child, I used flash cards to learn the letters of the alphabet and math facts. I studied the cards, drilled with cards, and repeated the process again & again until I was able to recite the alphabet or my math facts... And to this day, I can still recite the alphabet and MOST of my math facts from all those years ago! We are NEVER too old to learn! 

In Lemonade Creative Hearts we have just started a new series learning The Names of The Holy Spirit. We wanted to share a sneak peek inside one of our lessons. AND! Give you access to one of this month's traceables!

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Praying for God's Will While Living In a Selfish World
I came into this world wanting my way. I wanted it when I wanted it and how I wanted it. [ I realized I needed to start ] making it part of my daily prayers that God will direct my "want to" to line up with what He wants for my life.

Lord, TRAIN my heart to WANT the things you want for me.
Lord, TRAIN my heart to have a distaste for anything that doesn’t line up with YOUR will.
Lord, TRAIN my heart to TRUST YOUR Gracious Spirit wherever You lead me.
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Why Scripture Journaling Is Important To Me

Teaching women how they really do have creativity inside of them... planted by the Creator Himself! By teaching you how to work with your own handwriting with very simple steps to enhance it... Teaching you that the discipline of practice applied to lettering and journaling Bible Verses can actually help you memorize the verses. 

The scripture lettering that I do in my journals helps me ZERO in on the verse, helping me write it on my heart. But many times it doesn’t end with the finished lettering, it goes a step further and becomes a prayer.  

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