
A Broken Heart Leads to Reminders that "It Is Well, With My Soul"
When asking Pam about the story behind this design, this is what she had to say, “There have been countless times in my life when the storms of life felt as if they would leave me lifeless and hopeless. I’m sure you can say the same. But in His goodness, the Holy Spirit has faithfully brought reminders from God’s Word and stories like that of this beloved hymn to my remembrance. The writer says, “thou hast taught me to say: It is well, it is well with my soul”. I am in agreement!"
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HE Keeps Me Singing... Encouragement & Hope for January

When I asked Pam about this design, she recalled painting the bird first, then searching for a hymn to go with it. The black and white bird resembles a black-capped chickadee, which is in fact a songbird. 

She then researched the backstory of this particular hymn and after reading about it, just soaked in the fact that suffering and sorrow is not new! People have been walking through it since the Garden. There have been countless people who God has worked through in the midst of great sorrow as they used words and songs to process their pain and write of His faithfulness in the midst of their storm... and there are countless more people who have come after them and are continuing to receive the blessing of their honesty and obedience. God continues to use their stories for our good and His glory! This gives tremendous HOPE!

Just like the bird keeps singing with hopes of his future days, and just like Bridgers wrote in his hymn, we can keep singing knowing Jesus is always with us! In all of life's ebb and flows!

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DIY Decorating for Fall + Useful Products = Happiness

The best thing about using products like these to decorate is that they are also USEFUL! I've basically created my own little space to enjoy. And this part is my favorite. Now I can pull out a journal, notecards, and our mini shareables. And enjoy some quiet time to do something that is a stress-reliever for me, writing.

Being surrounded in a space with scripture and God's Word makes any daunting task enjoyable. Because I know God is always looking out for me, always there for me, no matter what I am doing. Whether it's on my knees asking for help or asking for help trying to write out a grocery list. 

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Prayer Prompts for "Back to School" (Or ANY Time of Uncertainty!)

No matter where you fit into the mix of “Back to School”, I would love to encourage you to be intentional in praying! There are a LOT of emotions flowing right now, that really affect us all in one way or another. I’m including a few verses and suggestions for praying for those around you. You could even insert specific names of people or names of a school or even communities. Customize it the way The Lord leads you!

Jeremiah 33:3 says,  “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

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