Story Behind the Art: What's Inside August's "Lemonade Reminders" Christian Subscription Box for Women (+ Why I Chose It)

Story Behind the Art:
What's Inside August's "Lemonade Reminders" Christian Subscription Box for Women (+ Why I Chose It)
Welcome to my NEW From the Heart Art Blog, where I'll be sharing weekly inspiration to share, uplift & encourage you on your journey!
From stories behind the art I create to behind-the-scenes looks into the creations process to DIY tutorials and more... I will be posting a new blog post every single Wednesday to share, uplift, & encourage you on your journey! Welcome to the blog & I can't wait to connect with you through this new blog space every single week. If you want to know when new blog posts go live, make sure to join our exclusive email newsletter community! Pssst... as part of my exclusive email subscriber community, you'll also get first looks into sales & specials, too!
“Called for HIS Purpose” Romans 8:28
Romans 8:28 is the inspiration verse for the month of August. This is a popular verse among Christians. It can be a very comforting verse to share with someone going through difficult times. I have shared it often with others and relied on it many times for myself.
But it was not until a cancer diagnosis was given to my mother in law that this verse intersected my life in a different way. I could see nothing “good” in her diagnosis and certainly nothing “good” in her prognosis. She was going downhill quickly. That crisis caused me to do some soul searching and scripture digging.
Looking at Scripture Verse in Context
You see, it’s so easy to find a verse we like and stamp it on every situation. It is wiser to look at the verse in context. Read the passages before AND after the verse….reading the chapter in its entirety is even better to grasp the context. I heard a Bible teacher suggest also reading the last verse of the chapter before and the 1st verse in the following chapter.
Being Conformed to the Image of the Son...
At that time in my life, I didn’t have to go far to read what I needed to see in a new light. It was the following verse. Verse 29 says “For those He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son,....” I continued to read, but the words “conformed to the image of His Son” lept off the pages. I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Conformed = Molded to the image of His Son. I immediately thought of His Son’s life while He walked amongst people. He was a gentle servant leader, kind and generous, humble and wise, and…. He suffered.
He suffered greatly.
He suffered well.
Sometimes "Good" Actually Includes Suffering
My eyes were opened to seeing that sometimes part of the “good” actually includes suffering. Up until that point I really struggled when bad things happened to good people. I will be honest and say, I still struggle with it...but now my struggle is different.
My mother in law only lived a very short time after her diagnosis. She was gone very quickly. It’s like she knew He was calling and she left. I wrestled with that. But we were soon faced with several back to back situations that tested my faith again and again and gave me more opportunities to trust God’s goodness.
Through It All, the Father is Good & Trustworthy
I’ve been learning it’s critical to redirect my attention to God’s attributes and remind my tattered heart that my Father is good and trustworthy. I also read teachings about suffering by John Piper and Paul David Tripp that have been very helpful to me!
A Priceless Gift
Being called according to HIS purpose is a priceless gift. It takes the weight off of me, the over-thinker, second guesser, over-analyzing scaredy cat! The entire chapter of Romans 8 is chocked FULL of incredible reminders of God’s goodness and the gifts He has bestowed on His children. Take some time soon and soak on the beautiful words in the book of Romans to see for yourself!
I’m slowly learning and putting into practice that when I tune my heart to focus on these Truths, the fear subsides, the anxiety settles, the peace washes over me, and I’m content with His presence and not grasping for everything I don’t have.
As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, Called for HIS purpose is actually an incredible gift!
Reminders of Hope
There are so many hope filled treasures, reminders of God’s great love for His children, and evidence of His rescuing grace tucked in Bible. I underline, highlight AND try to write them down as I find them! I have notebooks of all shapes and sizes, index cards, notepads full of verses.
What scriptures have you found that help you remember God’s goodness & faithfulness or confirms God’s purpose for your life? I would love to know!
Called for HIS purpose...
Pam Coxwell | From the Heart Art
Thank you so much for sharing our Lords word.
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