It's Time for Art Class! Grab Your Supplies!

We are having an art class and we want you to come to class!
Want to join me in making a beautiful Fall art project, but don’t want to have to look for all your art supplies? Don’t worry, we’ve made it easy and gathered the supplies for you!
Did you know your artwork can tell a story?
I will show you how to take simple things like old book pages, scrapbook paper, old sewing patterns, maps, bits of string & yarn, buttons & beads and other objects and use them in your artwork to help tell your story.
We have put together samplings of everything you need for making this project, and depending on how much you use you should have enough to do even more. So, enjoy using the supplies as you paint this project and if you like them, then buy more of those supplies and the colors you like to continue painting a patch full of Mixed Media Pumpkins! The Design traceable can be used over and over.
Supplies should never be an obstacle. Use your God-given creativity to make substitutions, use what you have on hand, or check out whatever is in the clearance aisle. Most of the items can be purchased through Amazon, Wal-Mart or any local craft stores, such as Michaels or Hobby Lobby.
But the good thing is, you may already have several of these items at your home. So don't stress about buying big bottles of product, knowing that you'll only use a little! I am a firm believer in "using what you have" for mixed media art. Random strands of ribbon, unused bottles of paint, scraps of scrapbook paper, pages from vintage books (such as old cookbooks or hymnals).
Here’s a kit we’ve curated with you in mind:
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