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He Will Perfect That Which Concerns Me

He Will Perfect That Which Concerns Me

The Story Behind the Design for Our September Lemonade Reminders Kit


David had repeated encounters of having his enemies on all sides. He had been surrounded by danger. He knew tragedy. And David knew the depths of great sorrow over his own sin and the grief over the weight of the consequences birthed from those sins. And yet, he could write this psalm with great confidence!  

“The Lord will perfect that which concerns me.
Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, endure forever -
forsake not the works of Your own hands”  Psalm 138:8



And just as Paul could confidently write, Being confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6, we too can hold on to these Truth filled words! Whether it’s standing on top of the mountain, in the midst of ashes, or in the darkness of a deep valley, God sees you!   can breathe a sigh of relief when I remind myself that I can NOT attain perfection… it has ALREADY been attained by Jesus!  

I love a To-Do List and the feeling of accomplishment when checking a task off, but that thrill is nothing in comparison to this promise: “HE WILL PERFECT THAT WHICH CONCERNS ME”.

Friend, we can rest in that!

“The work which His goodness began

The arm of His strength will complete;

His promise is Yea and Amen,

And never was forfeited yet:

Things future, nor things that are now,

Nor all things below nor above,

Can make HIm His purpose forego,

Or sever our souls from His love.”

[ An old poem by Augustus M Toplady, found in the Believer’s Bible Commentary ]


  • Karen Sue

    My husband, Greg, is in the hospital now and I just came across your email this morning, first thing I read…so timely! I love this! Thank you so much!

  • Liz

    Your picture for “the Lord will perfect…” would make an awesome sticker for the front of a planner!

  • Leslie

    Love this poem,has a lot of meaning in it.

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