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Christmas Village, We Hated to Say Goodbye!

Christmas Village, We Hated to Say Goodbye!

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father God, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6

I don't know that I had ever heard of Christmas Village until I started working for Miss Pam in January of this year, and boy was I surprised! If you don't know what Christmas Village is, let me share from a first-timer's perspective. Two floors, rows and rows and rows of vendors selling their homemade goodies! Food, decor, art, gadgets, clothes, jewelry and anything else you could think of. My mind was blown!

We had our own booth to set up and sell our products from! So I put on my retail pants and got to work for 5 days!


I asked my coworkers that also worked the retail show what they're favorite part about Christmas Village was. 

Since this was my first time doing the Christmas Village show, I thoroughly enjoyed the holiday spirit, the buzz of everyone shopping and getting giddy about the holidays! 

Miss Faith, who is always willing to lend her helping hands for events like these said her favorite part of this show was seeing "all the loyal customers who come year after year and just rave over Pam's artwork. And how much the verses on the designs means to those who buy them."

This was the second time that Miss Tammy worked Christmas Village and she had lots of tips for me! She was most excited about all of the food vendors! There was fancy chocolate dipped apples, all flavors of coffee cakes, and so much peanut brittle!



Grace is our show "veteran" who helps style everything for our set up and displays, so she has been attending Christmas Village for several years. "I love finally matching people's names with their faces. You see people's names on emails and orders and Facebook, but you've never seen their face... it's like meeting a friend for the first time. It's a real person with a real story. Not just a robot on the computer. It makes it that much more special to meet someone and then continue to interact with them."



And of course, Miss Pam, who has been selling her products at Christmas Village for over 20 years has so many favorite parts about attending shows like this. "I heard SO many stories giving God glory for helping [customers] overcome adversity, so THANK YOU to the overcomers! Each [person] had a different unique story but the same common theme... determination to give God glory, to count each day as a gift with a grateful heart despite the pain and loss. I needed that reminder each time!"

Overall, I think we all had a good time! We all share common themes with each other that we love God, and we love Miss Pam and her ministry! We are extremely grateful to be able to do what we do and share God's word with others through the beautiful products that we have! So thank you Christmas Village! We hated to say goodbye! 


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  • Veronica

    Update new email so I can stay in touch

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