Pam's Frequently Asked Questions - Part One

| Part One |
“Do you paint all these yourself?”
Throughout the 20+ years of doing shows and festivals, this is the number one question I receive! And the answer is… Yes, I do! I draw and paint every design you see here and I enjoy every minute of bringing a painting to life.
“I bet it’s nice to be able to paint everyday”
is also right up there at the top of comments and questions I receive.
The response: Well, I don’t know… because I don’t get to paint everyday! There are SO MANY other aspects of running this business that require the majority of my time. I have to intentionally schedule in time to paint and create. Painting time is a gift and a special treat for me. Did you know that many of my designs and collections were actually born from an out of town trip to the beach? I love to load up my supplies and set up a travel studio within eyesight of the beach. The Pandemic actually reduced my traveling opportunities, so I’m trying to be more faithful to carve out time for painting right here in my studio. It is a REAL challenge!
On January 24th, I purchased three bundles of gorgeous Gerbera daisies from the grocery store. January is the month I’m always so bogged down with year-end paperwork, while battling with exhaustion from the Fall Season and trying to NOT get stuck in a discouraged rut. Seeing the flowers really brightened my day, so I thought having them in eyesight would help me stay focused on finishing the paperwork. I gave myself a goal to get the paperwork done so I could paint them BEFORE they died! Here we are 16 days later and I can finally say I have them on canvas! Some people might consider them dead… but not me! Even in their droopy state, I can still see their God-given beauty and intricate design.
HE fascinates me with HIS creation.
It gives me hope and joy when I take the time to look deeply at it, soaking in the detail and care HE put into each piece of HIS creation.
What medium do you use?
I alternate between acrylic and watercolor. I really enjoy mixed media too! The paintings in these photos were painted with acrylic paint. I will often use regular house paint to basecoat my canvases and then use tube or bottled acrylic paint to do the detail work. I used canvases as the base for the paintings I did today of the gerbera daisies, but I will often use flat artist panels as my base. I love how the paint looks on the artist panels, however, they do require framing to display them. The canvases can be displayed as is, or framed. I seal the artwork with a clear sealer to protect it.
I usually listen to podcasts, sermon series or worship music while I’m painting. I can look at some of my collections and actually remember what I was listening to while painting it! Maybe what I’m listening to somehow becomes part of the painting! I think it does affect what words or verses I add to the painting. I really do want them to be a blessing and a delight to others. There is another reason that each painting is special to me… Many of them were used by God to help me sort through the multitude of thoughts racing in my head, other times HE uses the work and brush strokes as part of the healing process for the pain in my heart, and others have been a way to tell a story or point the onlooker to the freedom and grace found in the Cross. I really do think there is a part of my heart in each of my paintings. I look at them and smile…
“Whatever you do, work at it with your whole heart as unto the Lord...”
Colossians 3:23
PS - Since we haven’t been able to travel to as many shows as we normally do, I currently have accumulated a large quantity of original paintings. We will be offering them to you for sale! Click here to see original paintings for purchase!
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