Sweet Hour of Prayer

“Sweet Hour of Prayer” It’s a cherished old hymn and it’s the theme of our October Encouragement Kit. Prayer is the theme in our Lemonade Creative Hearts. We are lettering these powerful words in our prayer journals in October. I wanted to give you a glimpse inside how we can use our creativity, plus timeless words from old hymns in our prayer journals.
”Sweet hour of prayer! Sweet hour of prayer!
…Thy wings shall my petition bear
To him whose truth and faithfulness
Engage the waiting soul to bless and since he bids me seek his face
Believe his word, and trust his face. Believe his word, and trust his grace. I’ll cast on him my every care. And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer….”
We want to be intentional when we practice our lettering so we choose words of Truth from scripture and songs. In October, we are lettering words from this old hymn and scripture. Each time we letter these words, it’s like tapping a seed deeper into the soil of our hearts and mind.
We can tap the Seeds of Truth a bit deeper into our hearts by turning these powerful words into a personal prayer…
Every week in Lemonade Creative Hearts, we send prayer prompts. I wanted to share one of this month’s prayer prompts with you.
October Prayer prompt
Ideas for you to use this song as a prayer back to The Lord:
A prayer of Agreement: "My time spent in Your Presence is sweet & precious"
A prayer of Thanksgiving: "Thank You Lord for calling me aside to spend time with You"
a Prayer of Confession: "Lord, I confess to You that I have been carrying
the Cares of the world on my shoulders...." list those cares you've been trying to handle on your own.
a Prayer of Release; Release those things as an offering to Him. Some might even feel like a sacrificial offering. He is trustworthy.
a Prayer of Praise: Praise Him the King of Kings sitting on His throne.
Thank Him for the invitation to come before His throne!
May you find the sweetness of spending time with the Lord in prayer! May the Lord bless you and keep you!
Pam Coxwell
Ready to join the Lemonade Creative Hearts? CLICK HERE FOR ALL THE DETAILS!
Want to get the October encouragement kit? Be sure to order soon! Quantities are limited.
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