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Stronger Together

Stronger Together

I found something that I didn’t even know I was missing.   

Have you ever experienced it?   Something or someone is added to your life and it instantly fills a void that you didn’t even realize was there.  

The Bible reminds us that we need each other. 

 “two are better than one”  Ecclesiastes 4: 9 

“Iron sharpens iron..” Proverbs 27:17

“....a threefold cord is not easily broken.” Ecc 4:12

I’ve experienced  this first hand within my church, in the ministries I worked for, in my friendships and within my own family.   In those places, I’ve witnessed how much stronger we are together and received the blessing of togetherness.  Whether it was hard obstacles overcome, heavy work accomplished, laughter multiplied, tears shared, difficult questions answered from within, victories celebrated, or sitting silently together through suffering, my life has been richer because of other people God has placed in my life.   

But, it’s only been in the past few years that I began to experience the “blessing of togetherness”  within another big chunk of my life… business.      Being a small business owner can be very lonely.  The constant changes in the online world can be very intimidating and overwhelming.  I could go on and on about the negative effects on business as a result of Covid… But I won’t, because I want to focus on a positive effect.  The overwhelm, intimidation and uncertainty pushed me to make a decision.  Will I get out of my comfort zone to find help and answers?  Will I travel to new places, meet new people, be vulnerable and honest about my weak areas and admit my questions & uncertainties?  I’m glad I said yes

Whether it’s craft show friends, online business friends, trade show friends, or artist friends, we all have something in common.  We each need help, support and answers.  We need each other!  I’m so thankful that I found the courage to step outside my comfort zone, to ask, to sign up, to go.   Blessings of strength, wisdom, companionship have been the result of putting our heads together, talking things out, sorting through tangled messes, searching for answers, sharing answers AND collaborating.   I’m so thankful that The Lord allowed my path to cross with these amazing women.

I want to invite you to see “Stronger Together”  in action on Nov 3 & 4th.  Join me and some of my Biz Buddies for our 2nd Jingle & Mingle Event!  

The one we did in July was awesome and I can’t wait for you to see this next one.   

It is free but be sure to sign up to access the Facebook group and get notifications.   Many of us are teaching and offering kits. I will be teaching a painting project called “The Greatest Gift” Tag live on Nov 3rd.  You can find “The Greatest Gift” Wooden Tag Kit in my online shop.   





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