Story Behind the Art: What's Inside December’s "Lemonade Reminders" Christian Subscription Box for Women (+ Why I Chose It)

Story Behind the Art
What's Inside December’s "Lemonade Reminders" Christian Subscription Box for Women (+ Why I Chose It)
From stories behind the art I create to behind-the-scenes looks into the creation process to DIY tutorials and more... I post a new blog post every single Wednesday to share, uplift, & encourage you on your journey! Welcome to the blog & I can't wait to connect with you through this new blog space every single week. If you want to know when new blog posts go live, make sure to join our exclusive email newsletter community! You can also join the waitlist for our Lemonade Reminders Encouragement Kit!
“I am the light of the world, whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life” John 8:12
This is one of my favorite verses and a very special promise to God’s children. I was excited to create a painting using this verse. I used this design in my 2021 Calendar for December, and it’s the inspiration design in our December Encouragement Kit and it will be the inspiration design for our December Creative Hearts Membership.
Diving Deeper Into God's Word
In our Creative Hearts Membership I’m guiding our members in lettering this verse and several other verses mentioning light. I love being able to share this verse in a creative way with our From the Heart Family & our Lemonade Reminders & Creative Hearts Family!
Looking for a Map to Follow in Life
There have been so many times in my life that I have felt confused and even like I was wandering around in darkness trying to find my way around.
The harder I tried to find my own way, the more confused I felt as the path looked darker. And it didn’t really matter if it was a relationship, financial, business or health issues in need of a decision, I just wanted clear signs or a map to follow.
Finding My Way Out of the Darkness
There have also been many times I have sensed a great darkness in the world around me. That darkness felt overwhelming and even suffocating. The longer I focused on the darkness, the more it felt like quick sand trapping me in a pit of hopelessness.
Sin, depravity, rebellion all have consequences that reach far and wide, and sometimes it's even passed through one generation to the next. So, whether it is being broadcast daily on the news, on social media or just living around it day in and day out… It is easy to get sucked into focusing on the darkness. Focusing there for long makes it hard to find my way back out.
HE is the Light
Can you relate to either of those examples? Well, our inspiration verse from John 8:12 speaks volumes to my heart and mind!
This verse is like a loud speaker reminding me that HE is The Light. If I’m feeling lost, confused & in the dark... I focus my heart & mind’s attention ON THE Light! He will shine light on each step of my path and guide me each step of the way.
He Will Shine a Light on My Path
If I am feeling overwhelmed by the darkness of this sinful world and the consequences are invading my life, this verse is reminding me to FOLLOW HIM and I won’t walk in darkness but have The Light of Life!
“Don’t walk in darkness… FOLLOW The Light”
FOLLOW is the word that spoke so loudly to me, so I included it on our December shirt for our subscribers.
“Don’t walk in darkness… FOLLOW The Light” & I also made sure to include it in our Creative Membership for this month. We are surrounded by so much darkness right now, but be encouraged… Jesus has overcome the darkness!
There are MANY other verses in the Bible speaking encouragement to us about darkness and light. I encourage you to get out a concordance and look them up, read them, and let the Truth of God’s Word wash over you!
Pam Coxwell | From the Heart Art
--> SHOP & LEARN MORE about the Lemonade Reminder's Encouragement Kits HERE!
Katie, thank you so much for this incredible encouragement! It bring much encouragement to me, as I’m sure it will to others you read this post. And I LOVE the scripture passage that you shared. I love to do work searches in my Bible. I’ve been so encouraged reading how often light and darkness are mentioned in The Word! I’ve been soaking on them asking the Holy Spirit to saturate my heart with their life-changing Truths. Blessings to you Katie! -pam
Pam, the truth you share each month has been an incredible blessing and such reminders of the faithfulness and goodness of our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. One of my favorite scriptures that often comes to mind in the hard & confusing times is Psalm 139. “even the darkness is not dark to you…” Our Lord is not held off by darkness. There is nothing that is hidden from His view. So, even when the circumstances around me feel choking, the Lord my God is faithful and will carry me all the way through. I need only to stand fast in faith, knowing the Lord is indeed faithful. Thank you for your willingness to share your heart with all of us. I pray the Lord greatly encourages you and reminds you of all that His Spirit is doing as we walk in His way. What a mighty God we serve that we who are His beloved are able to walk in His light!
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