Story Behind the Art: Why I Created "Lemonade Creatives" Monthly Membership for Bible Journaling

Story Behind the Art
Why I Created "Lemonade Creatives" Monthly Membership for Bible Journaling
Welcome to the From the Heart Art Blog, where I share weekly inspiration to encourage & uplift you on your faith journey!
From stories behind the art I create to behind-the-scenes looks into the creation process to DIY tutorials and more... I post a new blog post every single Wednesday to share, uplift, & encourage you on your journey! Welcome to the blog & I can't wait to connect with you through this new blog space every single week. If you want to know when new blog posts go live, make sure to join our exclusive email newsletter community! Pssst... as part of my exclusive email subscriber community, you'll also get first looks into sales & specials, too! Click here & then scroll to the bottom to join my exclusive email newsletter community for weekly inspiration to grow in your relationship with God!
Romans 28:8 "For the good of those who love God..."
Romans 8:28 states “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose”
I truly believe this and have witnessed it first hand thousands of times throughout my life…. even in the life of my business and very seldom has the “good” looked the way I expected.
Early in my business, painting mailboxes became very popular. It was one of my top selling products. I painted and sold hundreds of them...but then customers started calling me saying the paint was peeling off. Not the paint that I painted, but the actual paint on the mailbox. The manufacturer would not offer a solution. That was a very stressful situation, but good actually did come from it.
Following God's Lead...
It drove me closer to Jesus in prayer. Being in that place of desperation helped me be open to trying something that I otherwise would not have been open to attempting. I was all ears to what direction I needed to take and soon began making prints of my artwork. I still remember the amazement I felt when I was introduced to a scanner! But I was open, He pointed me in a direction and I followed. I am so glad I did!
Turning "Lemons" into Lemonade...
This has happened many times throughout the 20+ years of being in business. Most recently though, was in the Fall of 2020 when I created an art print calendar. After shipping out over 100 calendars, it was discovered that the calendar part was misprinted with the 2020 dates, instead of 2021 dates. It was an incredibly stressful time!
But once again, it drove me to my knees for a solution and opened my mind to something new. The “good” that came from that error was Lemonade Reminders Encouragement Kit. As friends reminded me, I was making lemonade from the lemons! But actually it was God making Good from a hard situation. I’m so thankful He did, because putting together those Kits has brought me indescribable joy!
Using Your God-Given Creativity
I love taking what I have and trying to recycle or repurpose it. I spent my childhood watching the women in my family do that very thing. Lack of money or resources didn’t hinder them from creating beautiful things made from what they had on hand. Whether it was through sewing, cooking, painting, or gardening they taught me by their example, how to use my God given creativity in many areas of life.
Part 2 of the "Turning Lemons Into Lemonade" Story
The good from the calendar printing error did not stop with the Lemonade Reminders Encouragement Kits. Part 2 of the good is in the process of unfolding right now! Throughout the 20 years I’ve been doing shows, I've heard the stories of countless women. I’ve always felt such a strong connection to them even though I do not know all of their names.
Many of these women would look at my work as they were admiring it and say,
“I wish I was creative. I don’t have a creative bone in my body” or
“I can’t even draw a straight line” or
“I didn’t know that verse was in the Bible” or
“I wish I knew my Bible better...”
Well, that 2020 calendar error drove me to my knees in prayer, the desperation opened my mind, and God planted the seed in my heart. And Part 2 of the Lemonade Story is about me opening my mind to be willing to do something that so many women have been asking me for throughout the years.
How to Bible Journaling for Beginners & Scripture Lettering as a Form of Worship & Prayer
So, I would now like to tell you that I will be teaching women how they really do have creativity inside of them... planted by the Creator Himself! By teaching you how to work with their own handwriting with some simple steps to enhance it...Teaching you that the discipline of practice applied to lettering and journaling Bible Verses can actually help you memorize the verses.
I’m looking forward to showing you how to use color and different styles of lettering to break down Bible Verses in order to understand them and remember them better. I’m excited to teach you how to turn your lettered verses into prayers for a prayer journal and how to decorate the lettering to frame for home decor & to give as gifts, too!
Join the Community....
If this sounds interesting to you, I hope you will join us! Click here to join the membership... The waitlist simply helps us know who is interested for us to be better prepared, so we can make sure you receive all the details (like pricing & timing), so that when we open the doors on August 25th you will be ready & know if you want to join us as a Founding Member.
If this is not something you are interested in right now, that is ok! I would love to ask you all to back me and the ladies in prayer! We need the prayer covering over all the many details involved in getting this going.
Pam Coxwell | From the Heart Art
PS Don't forget to join the Lemonade Creatives Membership Community
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