LOOK back.... LOOKING forward! Part 1

Look Back…..Looking Ahead - Part 1
“BUT, this I recall to mind…therefore I have HOPE”
Lamentations 3: 21 (but read that whole passage, it is really good!)
“Behold I AM doing a NEW thing. Do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 43:19
It’s good to LOOK BACK to refresh our memory. It brings encouragement to take the time...
to remember the times we’ve seen God at work in our lives. It can renew our hope to remember some of the difficulties and trials we have endured and realize it was God that carried us through them to the other side.
Our hope is refreshed when we realize it was a season…. We need to remember. It is good for us for use to remember!

I’ve noticed that when I slow down and take time to REMEMBER God and His work in my life,
words like Renew, Refresh, Rekindle and Revive are soon to follow and
my Hope, Love, Joy, Endurance, and Faith are the benefactors!
I turned The Big 60 a few months ago. It’s been good to spend some time remembering and reflecting. Refreshing my memory. Reflecting on the story God has been writing in my life.
In doing so, I have found my Hope Renewed. My Joy has been Refreshed.
My Love for others and for what HE allows me to do has been Revived.
My faith has been Refreshed.
My endurance has been Renewed .
I would love to share with you portions of this Story of Seasons.
The stories from the past seasons have influenced the current season, and as I am entering into the Hope & Joy of this NEW season I recognize the fingerprints of my Abba Father throughout it all.
You have the same in your own life! I hope as I retell part of my story, you will begin remembering and reflecting on your own story and recognize your Abba Father, Creator, Savior has been there throughout it all.
For as long as I can remember, I have always enjoyed making and creating.
My mother loves to tell the story of me coloring on our walls, while still in diapers. I have vivid memories of the joy in picking out a fresh box of crayons for yearly school supply shopping.
I grew up around creative family members. Both of my grandmothers were excellent seamstresses & amazing cooks. My maternal grandmother was also a very stylish decorator having all the rooms with a color theme and I never saw her without makeup, hair done and nicely dressed. My paternal grandmother was an avid gardener. She was an organic GuRu before organic was even a thing. She had beautiful flower and vegetable gardens. When my mother retired from her nursing career she took up painting and sewing. My grandfather was a farmer and a barber and I loved to spend time with him on his farm and even at the barber shop. I have so many wonderful memories of watching these family members use their creativity.
I grew up around women who took what they had and created beauty. It seems only natural that I would want to do the same thing.
I am guilty of frgetting these important pieces of my story.
How the pieces from that season of life impact the decisions & choices in the next. I am thankful for the loving fingerprints of my Father sprinkled throughout my life! Stop. Be still. Remember. Reflect....you will see them throughout your own life as well!
Blessings to you my friend- Pam
Part 2 coming soon!
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