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Have you heard the Story behind The Butterfly Project Prayer Journal KIT??

Have you heard the Story behind The Butterfly Project Prayer Journal KIT??

The contents of this kit are very special. Inside you will find vintage items from the 1970s. I was born in the 60s and grew up in the 70s, making this time period full of sweet memories for me.

A little bit about the story behind this very special Kit:

Finding these vintage sewing patterns sparked so much joy in my heart! It was like finding a treasure chest and it was the spark that started this Butterfly Project. 

The Vintage Patterns are the “star of the show”.   As I looked through all the patterns, I was just overwhelmed with memories of my mother sewing dresses for me and my sister. As I was thumbing through them, I realized that my mom had made clothing for us from some of the same patterns I was thumbing through.   I felt such a connection and I immediately started praying and asking the Lord, how could I give these patterns new life? How could I use them to tell our story? The word TRANSFORMATION & Butterflies started flooding my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking about them! I even woke up during the night thinking about them!   

My mind was flooded with  the patterns, prayer, journaling, and butterflies; and that is how this project was born. As I went back the second day to look at the patterns & pray over it again, I felt so much joy in the idea the Lord had given me and in how I think the original owner of the patterns would be so pleased if she knew how her precious patterns would be used. 

I had also spent much time pouring over her books.  So many classic Christian books, underlined, highlighted and full of her notes.  I felt like I “knew” her by what words she had underlined and highlighted in so many of those books. These weren’t just books sitting on her shelves, they were giving glimpses into her life.    I purchased a big stack of her books and then meandered into her craft room and found the treasure of beautiful patterns!

 I could tell by her books that she was a woman seeking after God and valued His Word.  It certainly caused me to ask myself, what story do my books, notes and journals tell about my life?  

I’m pleased and honored to present this special project and this beautiful kit to you!  We will give new life to some of those old patterns and books and use them to tell our own story of Transformation, Redemption & Prayer.   

Creating this journal is just the beginning! The Transformation continues when you fill it with all that God is doing in your life! Join me today and transform your faith! 

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