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Behind the Scenes: A Look Back on 2021 & What's Coming in 2022!

Behind the Scenes: A Look Back on 2021 & What's Coming in 2022!

Behind the Scenes

A Look Back on 2021 & What's Coming in 2022!

Pam Coxwell | From the Heart Art What's Ahead in 2022!

Welcome to the From the Heart Art Blog, where I share weekly inspiration to encourage & uplift you on your faith journey!

From stories behind the art I create to behind-the-scenes looks into the creative process to DIY tutorials and more... I post a new blog post every single Wednesday to share, uplift, & encourage you on your journey! Welcome to the blog & I can't wait to connect with you through this new blog space every single week. If you want to know when new blog posts go live, make sure to join our exclusive email newsletter community! Pssst... as part of my exclusive email subscriber community, you'll also get first looks into sales & specials, too! Click here & then scroll to the bottom to join!

 Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art | What's Coming in 2022!

Looking Back on 2021…

When I look back on 2021, I see some incredible hurdles and quite a few roller coaster moments that proved to be a vehicle to drive me to a deeper understanding of God’s presence and His provision.  

Since 2020 would be in the rearview mirror, I somehow thought 2021 would be easier…but I was wrong. In many ways, it has been harder, especially for my small business, but it was yet another vehicle to drive me to be desperately dependent on my Father for direction and wisdom for From The Heart Art. It often felt like being pushed to the edge and with a little bravery and a lot of Grace, we made the jump!

 Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art | What's Coming in 2022!

The Highlight of the Year of 2021 Has Been…. 

As difficult as some of the challenges were, there were even more times of joy & delight found in overcoming a big obstacle and in letting go of things that no longer worked… and especially with taking a risk and trying new things! 

I just want you to know that adding a Subscription Encouragement Kit and a monthly Creative Membership have been the absolute highlight of 2021!  It has brought me SO much joy and it has really helped me endure some of the hard parts!  

Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art | What's Coming in 2022!

2022 Lemonade Reminders Encouragement Kits!

We are currently planning the 2022 Encouragement Kits and Creative Membership classes now. It’s like going shopping for someone you love, looking for just the right things to add to the Kit to bring encouragement and delight! 

Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art | What's Coming in 2022!

2022 Lemonade Creatives Membership Classes!

Planning the Creative Membership Classes has been incredibly special. I’m sharing some of the personal and intimate parts of my own spiritual journey with the Lord and how He has used creativity as a tool in my very own life. 

We’ve just moved our Creative Membership over to a brand new platform to make accessing lessons easier for our members…and it has already made life easier for me! 

Pam Coxwell From the Heart Art | What's Coming in 2022!

Still Making Lemonade from 2020 Lemons

Thankfully, we are still making lemonade from our 2020 lemons, so we now have a new year full of artwork from our 2022 calendar to use for inspiration in our Encouragement Kits and in our Creative Membership!  

I am so humbled and in awe that God allows me to do this and that you are following along with me and joining me on this journey! 

I’m looking forward to the good things He has planned for us. I want to thank you for your love and support! I really do appreciate you!



Pam Coxwell | From the Heart Art


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