This product is for those who have already purchased the Workshop but are interested in the "Lite Version" or perhaps we have already sold out of our regular kits
We have a limited quantity available and they are first come first serve!
This is to purchase a smaller "Lite" supply kit & you will not be charged again for the workshop!
Pam's Studio Stash with Vintage Finds!
What Comes in the Lite Version:
- 2 Neo Colors
- 1 Derwent Graphitint
-1 Gloss Medium Tester
- A package of Pam's Studio Stash of Vintage Finds ( Some of these pages are from the 1930s! )
What does NOT come in this kit compared to the Regular Supply Kit
- 9x12 Canvas
- Bottle of Mod Podge
- Sponge Brush
- Filbert Paint Brush